Turn PowerPoint Presentation Into a Video

This is so out of date that we’re only keeping it here for those who are still working with older software. Notice though, this post is now Archived.

This guide shows you how to take your PowerPoint Presentation, add audio …and then, turn it into a YouTube video you can share with your subscribers and customers.

Supplies Needed:

  • A Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
  • A microphone
  • Moyea PPT4 Web Converter (to convert PowerPoint files)
  • A YouTube account

Step 1: Add Audio to Your PowerPoint Presentation

Of course, you can use a silent PowerPoint Presentation as your video, but it will be much more interesting if you add audio. For this demonstration, we will record our audio into the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 presentation.

At the top right corner of the Insert ribbon, you will see the “Sound” option, as shown in the screen print below:

screen print showing PowerPoint audio option - step 1

When you click on “Sound” you will see a drop-down menu of options. For this example, we are going to use the “Record Sound” option.

screen print showing PowerPoint audio option - step 2

Once you click “Record Sound,” a little recording box will appear. You can name the audio clip, and then click the record button:

PowerPoint start recording
PowerPoint stop recording

When you’re done, click the stop button, and then click the “OK” button:

The audio recording will automatically be inserted and you’ll be able to see it in the middle of the slide, like the one shown in the screen print below:

image showing audio recording file now inserted in PowerPoint

You can simply drag that little audio recording icon off to the edge of the slide, and re-size it until it is as small as possible. That way, it won’t show in your finished video.

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Repeat this process for all the slides you wish to add audio to. Be sure to save your presentation with EACH entry.

Step 2: Set Your Slide Running Times

To ensure that each slide runs for the same amount of time in each audio recording, you need to set up the running time for EACH slide.

To get started timing your slides, click on the Slide Show on the PowerPoint ribbon, and choose “Rehearse Timings” as shown in the screen print below:

Rehearse Timings in PowerPoint

The slide show will then open …and a little Rehearsal toolbar will appear on the top left corner of your monitor, like the one shown in the screen print below:

Rehearsal toolbar in PowerPoint

The audio recording will begin right away. Press the Pause button when you want that particular slide to stop. See red arrow pointing to the Pause option in the screen print above.

Then click the left-pointing arrow button beside the pause option, TWICE to move to the next slide.

Repeat this process for all the slides. As you go along, you will see a total time for the current slide (to the right of the Pause button in the white box). The total time for the slide show appears on the far right side of the Rehearsal toolbar.

Once you’ve completed all the slides, you’ll see a message like the following screen print:

prompt you will receive from PowerPoint

If you are satisfied, the click the “Yes” button, in order to keep the new settings. Be sure to save your presentation again to keep these settings.

Step 3: Convert Your PowerPoint to AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MOV 3GP, 3G2, DV, VOB formats

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Your are not allowed to upload a PowerPoint file to any YouTube account. So, you have to convert your slide show to a usable format.

NOTE: As of the latest versions of PowerPoint, you can NOW save your PowerPoint files as a video. However, for those of you who have older PowerPoint files that need converting to video, you could use software to do the converting, which is Moyea PPT to Video Converter, noted below the video.

How to Make Video in PowerPoint

You can find out more about the software at: https://download.cnet.com/Moyea-PPT-to-Video-Converter-PowerPoint-to-Video/3000-2075_4-10876579.html. For the ease of this demonstration, I will assume you already have Moyea PPT to Video Converter installed on your computer.

To start the conversion process, open Moyea PPT Converter and click on the “Add” button, to add your video:

Moyea PPT Converter Add button
Click image to download their software

Find your PowerPoint Presentation that you want to convert, click on your presentation’s title to select it, and then click the “Open” button, as shown in the screen print below:

select your file name

Now, click the “Start” button, to begin the conversion:

start conversion

Then, a warning screen will appear. Make sure you follow all of the instructions (circled in red, in the screen print below) and ONLY then, click on the “OK” button.

Moyea's warning prompt

Now, wait for the process to complete. During the conversion, you will see a prompt like the one shown in the screen print below:

Processing, please wait

Once your PowerPoint Presentation has finished being converted to video, you will get a prompt like the one shown in the screen print below:

Moyea's Finish button

NOTE: Look closely at the prompt above. You can see where the output folder has been saved to, and you could even click (where shown) to the play the video.

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Click on the “Finish” button to complete the process.

Voila! You have now created a video using PowerPoint, and you can now upload it to your YouTube account.

TIP: Using the videos in your YouTube account to link to, or embed in your web pages, will gain your website quality backlinks!


Website Designer for Parr's Publishing. As a full certified Internet Specialist, I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with a fully managed, custom designed website as well as basic Search Engine Optimization.

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