Imagine having your audience drawn to your post simply by using the right kinds of images.
If you have noticed how blind you have become to banners and other boring images, while you are surfing the web, or scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed, you can bet that others have become banner blind too.
So, now it’s time to spice up your images, and that is what I am going to show you how to do … right here.
The best advice anyone can offer you is to take your own photographs whenever possible. And, here’s a little tidbit of great information for you …
No matter what niche you are in, you need to train yourself to stop and take photographs of scenes and things that you are passionate about …or, that would make a great graphic later on.
Should you ever take images of people, you need to make sure that no one can tell WHO the people are. Another option would be to make sure those people who appear in your photographs sign a release (or a waiver, whatever the term is that is used in your country) for you that clearly states that you are allowed to use their image(s) anywhere on the internet.
For images of children, you will need to have a parent sign a release, as you need a parent’s permission BEFORE using any image of children on the internet or anywhere else. Most people would sign it but some will not, so make sure you remain safe from a potential lawsuit and get those releases signed.
When taking photographs, you really do not need to worry about how you might make a particular image into a usable graphic later on. Just make it a habit to take lots of pictures wherever you go. Inspiration could strike you in the most unforeseen way later on that would make your image(s) truly original.
There are online tools you that can use in creating and/or editing your images. We will discuss some of them next.
Online Tools to Create Images
Create Eye-Catching Images –
Create Infographics and Presentations –
Tell a Story With Video –
Make 5 Different Styles of Whiteboard Animation Videos –
For more help with images, video and audio clips, I offer you the following suggestions:
- ) A great source for video clips that I can personally recommend is:
- ) A great source for free images (you will need to create an account first) is: or … once you have signed up, check out their pay-for pictures. They are THE BEST images and they are NOT that expensive either!
- ) A great source for audio clips is:

Always make sure you that you fully understand the laws (read the small print!) when it comes to purchasing images … especially those claiming to be free to download … else you COULD find yourself faced with a lawsuit for THOUSANDS of dollars.
The big thing about images is to create and use pictures that others are NOT using, those that make your final images stand out from all others.
A great example would be using a black & white image, or an image that creates an emotional appeal, or one using wild coloured quotes, etc. … anything that causes your viewers to reset their attention span.
Important Overall Tips for Use of Images
- ) Make sure that your subjects in your pictures that you use are looking at what you want your visitors to be looking at, and never looking away from.
- ) Select images that invoke imagination, wonder, or stop points.
- ) Don’t copy any ads or images that you see as this would over saturate the marketplace and eventually cause the “banner blindness” mentioned earlier.
- ) It has been said that people view video five times longer than static content. An animated background for a quote would be such an example here.
- ) Make sure you use your logo and brand your videos (for only a few seconds) within the first few seconds of your videos.
- ) Always remember that visuals are your best hooks to gain your potential customer’s attention.
- ) You do NOT need to make your images match what is stated within your text. Here’s why I say this; when used correctly, this idea can be used to SHOCK your website visitors to attention … drawing their attention to your message. An example would be background images on a website that when scrolling, change … with one image shockingly different (where appropriate) than the subject matter.
- ) You can still use cute animals and emojis, just don’t over use them.
- ) Create cliff-hangers in your videos whenever possible so that your visitors can anticipate a follow-up video, and they will be more apt to return to your website to view, and share them.
Sharing Images on Social Media
Tips for Facebook
Apparently, there are new, unwritten rules for Facebook fan pages now. So, here are some tips that are highly recommended for use on any fan page that you wish to have appear in your fan’s Facebook newsfeed.
- Post only once a day
- Do not ask for comments, likes and/or shares in your posts anymore… unless, of course, you have a very, very large following
- Quit branding your images … again, unless you have a large following
- Don’t just share business information … in other words, make your posts interesting
- Use 90 second videos you upload to your fan page rather than simply using a YouTube video
Tips for Infographics
- Create your own infographics using the many different software available online these days, some of which you were introduced to above
- Make then interactive
- Insert video if possible – making video square so users don’t have to turn their device
- Use animated objects
- Use your brand on them
- Make them shareable and be sure to link back to your website (a great way to get quality backlinks)
The Use of Charts

- A great way to share important information
- Use pie charts, family tree charts, if yes/if no charts, flow charts, etc., whatever is related to your business
- Make your charts data related to your business
- Make your charts stimulating and interesting
Creating and using charts properly, not only severs to offer your information visually pleasing, they also serve to help hold your visitor’s attention longer making your visitor remain on page longer.
Instagram Stories
- Use 15 second video clips as these are said to be even more popular than those on Snapchat
- Add your personality either virtually or in person
- Be sure to use humour whenever possible
- Learn how to use highlight reels to drive traffic to your website
- Your stories can be video graphics
- Share your follower’s content on your Instagram feed too
- Create sweepstakes and contests that are at least closely related to your niche
- Offer giveaways that ARE related to your offerings in order to help keep your follower’s focus on your niche, and to maintain your creditability
- You could even offer an Instagram follower a chance to win being featured on your Instagram page along with their story
- Always encourage your followers to use your branded hashtag when talking about you
Tips for Your Pinterest Account
- This social media is for the long term user, so if you expect to jump in and out of Pinterest, don’t even contemplate using it
- Pinterest graphics takes a special technique and formula, so you need to be prepared to create your graphics especially for this use
- Pin well in advance of any holidays, events, etc.
- Pinterest has lots of staying power
Some sellers who sell Christmas items during the holiday season have claimed that they make sales as much as a year later from their previously posted items, before their following year’s items were even listed.
Mobile Graphics Made Easy
You can make your graphs right on phone using an app called WordSwag, at a cost of which there is a one-time fee. There are lots of other apps available too that can help you create visuals right from your mobile device. A great way to use otherwise wasted time while sitting waiting for an appointment.
Set your business apart from your competition … be the first to use what you have learned here!
Credit for Header: Illustration 15896061 © Mircea Maties –