Word Not Responding When Adding A Link

There is nothing more frustrating than to have computer problems that only add to a bad start to any day. Word Not Responding was mine, this day.

My issue happened when trying to add a link, and it was only one of the many mini-crisis that happened.

It is my hope that my sharing this story with you, that you will know that you are not alone when seeking information online regarding computer issues.

For those of you who do NOT want to read about my horrific day… you just want to find out how to resolve Word Not Responding when adding a link, click here, and it will take you down to the instructions on how to resolve this issue.

poppy pin for Remembrance Day

So… when I say that it never rains but it pours, that is pretty much how my day went on 11 November 2022.

4:00 AM – Awoke realizing my water filtration system was STILL in back flush mode. Jumped out of bed and shut off the water.

The system was back flushing when I went to retire for the night at about midnight. So, I’m not certain when it started back flushing.

Went into my office and sent my repairman an email, crying for help.

8:25 AM – Figured I should give my repairman a call, in case his receptionist starts AFTER him.

When using my business line to call him long-distance, the reception was so bad that I asked him to call me back on my home landline (I have no long-distance plan on that phone).

He explained that he would not be able to come to my home until well after 3 PM this afternoon.

After that call, I went to contact my business telephone line provider, and discovered that they don’t open until 9AM. There USED to be 24/7 support available.

Chloe sitting in her little chair in the kitchen

8:30 AM – Went back up into my kitchen to get Chloe her breakfast.

Then remembered that I needed to go turn the water back on again, long enough so that I could clean her water dish, and provide fresh water with her kibbles.

Back downstairs I went, to turn the water back on.

Went back upstairs and ran the water only to notice the very STRONG smell of chlorine that the water softener… when it is topped up with the potassium… resolves.

This was an obvious sign that the barrel needed more potassium added.

Back downstairs I went, turned off the water AGAIN… proceeded to open a bag of potassium and fill a small pail with some of it to deliver to the large barrel like tank under the stairs.

Once that job was completed… back upstairs I went.

Wait a minute… back downstairs I went, to turn the water back on again.

Finally got Chloe her water and kibble.

Went back downstairs, turned on the water again to see if I could get the bypass to work for me as was suggested in the call to my repairman this morning.

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8:38 AM: Before I could even get in under the stairs and reach for the bypass, the telephone rang again.

Ran to get the handset, then back to the furnace room to turn the water off so I could hear who was calling me.

filtration system

Yes, the back flushing is THAT noisy when standing in front of the furnace room!

The caller was the repairman calling to explain that he’d rearranged his schedule and would be at my home around 11AM.

Thank God! Now I won’t need to monkey around trying to get the bypass to work.

Put the telephone handset back in my bedroom, where I had retrieved it from, and went upstairs.

Proceeded to start my breakfast… and… OH NO… had to go back downstairs to turn the water on again, in order to have water to swallow my supplements.

Then back upstairs, where I filled a drinking glass and then a glass pitcher with water.

Then, back downstairs to turn the water off again.

And, back upstairs …and BREAKFAST TIME!

While eating in front of my TV, I set up Global in preparation for the 11AM services.

9:12 AM – Tried reaching my business phone provider for tech support again and found NO one but a computer bot responding as their technical support, telling callers to go to their website… which I had already been, in trying to resolve the issue with reception.

Went to the computer that the telephone is on exclusively, and discovered the computer had apparently received updates… JUST GOT this computer YESTERDAY!

So, I rebooted the computer, which by the afternoon, when using the telephone to call my computer doctor, it seems to have resolved the issue with the poor reception.

While that computer was updating and rebooting, I decided to get back to writing the Word document that I had been working on yesterday.

And, I was able to accomplish a lot, when I noticed that it was minutes before 11 AM… and my repairman had not arrived yet.

On my way upstairs, I opened the side door, in case he came to the door during the ceremonies on TV.

Thankfully, Chloe and I got to fully observer our moment of silence… 2 minutes… along with the ceremonies on TV.

SIDE NOTE: Notice our country’s leader NOT present at the ceremony and felt SUPER insulted, as I lost members of my family who fought in the wars, protecting our freedom!

11:33 AM – Went back to my office, and noticed that one of my two monitors… the one on the right likes to fail me every so often, and today… yup! It failed me again.

Every file that I had left open when I walked away from the computer earlier, was all over on the left monitor, along with EVERY desktop shortcut.

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MAN! Will today never end?

11:37 AM – The repairman arrived to fix my filtration system, so I left the office with the right monitor not functioning properly. I’d look after that later…

Dismantling a piece of the filtration system, the gentleman soon discovered that a part of the filter system had broken, forcing the back flush mode to stay in place for HOURS.

Money down the drain.
Photo 246043659 © Dzmitry Skazau | Dreamstime.com

Can you imagine what my WATER BILL is going to be?!

After he pretty much rebuilt that part so that it could be reinstalled, he reconnected the system, made sure it worked properly, and then he showed me EXACTLY how to bypass the system, should something like this ever happen again, in the future.

He suggested I refill the large plastic barrel (water softener) with the remaining potassium that was in the bag I had opened earlier that morning.

And then, he left as I completed emptying the bag of potassium, one small pail load at a time, into the barrel.

Then I went back into my office to get back to my sleeping monitor issue resolved.

Tried unplugging the monitor and plugging it back in again, and it continued to ignore me.

Realizing that I had only one option left, I closed all of the files and browser windows that were left hope that I had been working on, and then HARD BOOTED the CPU.

Dang, I don’t like doing that.

Once it rebooted… I thought all was resolved. BOY, was I wrong!

The monitor DID come back on, and my desktop shortcuts were back where THEY belonged, alright.

So, then I opened the folder that I had created on my desktop, where the Word document that I was working on had been saved.

Inside the folder, all the folders that are usually on the left… they were replaced with only Quick Access… and… all of the icons of the files inside the folder… they had all disappeared.

I figured that I would check into and try resolving the file manager issue, later.

Upon reopening my Word document, it appeared fine, so I continued working again, and once again, logging into the many different online websites in order to continue creating my post.

But… when I went to add a link in my document, Word locked up on me with Not Responding.

Word did this not once, but EVERY time I tried. And after each attempt, I would need to go to the Task Manager to End Word, then reopen the document and try again.

After about 4 or 5 tries, I then checked to see if my computer needed update. Nope, the computer was considered up to date.

In Google searching, Microsoft’s advice was to repair the program that was experiencing issues… so I did that.

But… that was not a fix.

Then, I Google searched for help on why Word would Not Respond when trying to add a link, and Microsoft’s advice was to use Ctrl + F9 to resolve links… HUH?

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What a mess!

Then I had to Google search how to UNDO the Ctrl + F9, and was advised to use Shift + F9, which thankfully, resolved it.

So, I saved the document, closed it and reopened it, only to discover that the links did NOT remain resolved. They were STILL a mess!

I called my computer doctor, explaining that I was calling in a panic, and he promised to call me back once he was free to assist me.

After trying a few other things that also failed, I had to leave my office frustrated.

I was too afraid that if I continued trying to “fix” the mess I’d made that it could end up being even a BIGGER mess that would need to be resolved.

You see, EVERY Word document that I checked was now displaying my hyperlinks weird… old Word documents and this new one.

3:35 PM – My computer doctor called me and remotely accessed my computer and, like always… he was able to fix the mess.

Turned out that the file manager or as some call it now, file explorer was corrupted, and the computer simply needed a second rebooting and THAT was resolved.


Then he got to working on the issues I was experiencing with the Word document.

That’s when I told him how I’d used the Ctrl + F9 keys, as Microsoft’s instructions suggested… and that their resolution was to use the Shift + F9 keys.

Once he tried and got the same response from my Word document, I felt better that it wasn’t just me.

PROBLEM With Adding a Link to Word Not Responding, RESOLVED!

It seems that my computer doctor’s rebooting the computer worked to also allow links to be added, once again.

And, here’s what my computer doctor discovered in trying to resolve the links in my Word documents not formatting properly.

This was discovered only after he had looked through many of the different settings in Word, to see what may have been check marked that should NOT have been.

Go to: File

screen print of first step in Word document to take

Scroll down to Options:

screen print of step 2 in Word you need to take

Click on Advanced and scroll down to Show document content and simply uncheck Show field codes instead of their values.

screen print of Word Options and instructions to resolve Ctrl + F9 format remaining

Do hope that if you should run into this issue that by my sharing this experience here… that you will be helped without your hours of wasted time, and the expensive of having to call your computer doctor.

Would love to hear from you in a comment below, as to whether this helped you… or not.


Website Designer for Parr's Publishing. As a full certified Internet Specialist, I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with a fully managed, custom designed website as well as basic Search Engine Optimization.

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