Why Your Business Website Needs a Blog

So, you say you have a website with at least four web pages; home (or landing) page, about, contact, and pricing. Now you need to add at least one more web page… a blog. Here’s why…

Your main web pages may be HTML pages, and you ask is HTML or WordPress better to use. The easiest style for a blog that I have found to use is WordPress. You can easily have WordPress installed in a subdirectory (folder) on your present website.

You don’t need to label your blog as such on your navigation bar. Try being creative… if, say, you operate a beauty salon you could brand your blog “beauty tips”… or, if you’re a plumber you could try “household tips”… just so long as it relates to your business.

Articles published on your blog need to only be about 300 words… with pictures, of course, as images help to promote and communicate your information. Please, do know that you need to make sure you have full rights to use those images!

a lady pointing with chalk to a background with words that look to have been written with chalk

If you’re still a little confused about the type of information to share on you blog, try this… beauty tips can include issues ranging from helpful tips on finger nail care for ladies to professional skin care for men. Household tips can be from “how to unplug that drain with baking soda and vinegar”, to “the advantages of hiring a licensed contractor”.

Make sure that you share it ALL in your articles. In other words, do NOT hold back information. Reason is if your articles are as helpful as they should be, your blog visitors are more apt to share your articles on social media, or even email the URL (Uniform Resource Locator – web page address) to their friends.

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Always be sure that you are sharing unique information. Never copy what others’ have published.

There are ways to make sure that you have published unique content. Simply do an internet search for “unique content checker” and then select one from among those listed. Personally, I prefer Copyscape Plagiarism Checker.

Should you discover your content is NOT unique, it is better to know now and change it before, say, Google discovers it because Google HATES duplicate content.

These articles will be a great means of advertising for your business. The more often your articles are shared the likelihood of you gaining recognition or authority as the expert in your chosen field.

Some readers of your articles may even decide their issue is too difficult to fix alone and so they will be more apt to click on your contact page and hire your service … or buy your product.

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Website Designer for Parr's Publishing. As a full certified Internet Specialist, I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with a fully managed, custom designed website as well as basic Search Engine Optimization.

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