How frustrating is that, this “Internal Server Error” message that Twitter’s server keeps giving you every time you try to upload your new header image in your Twitter account; You know, for the new responsive layout Twitter has been “rolling out” on their servers since early 2014.
Frustration is putting it mildly for most of us! It has taken me several HOURS over the past two months now, trying to figure out WHY my one image uploaded okay enough, but when I tried uploading a newer replacement header that was smaller in file size, I could NOT get my replacement image to be accepted. Didn’t seem to matter WHAT I did.
I searched the Internet high and low… I emailed Twitter (but that email address is no longer in use, of course)… heck I even tweeted Twitter, but soon discovered their Twitter account is on a private server. I even went so far as to find a couple of different email addresses for Twitter, and sent my header image as an attachment to one, begging for help in uploading my first attempt. What a joke that was… on me!
Anyway, here is how I FINALLY got around the Twitter server error today:
Took my 1,265 KB PNG header image (that I had cropped from my original digital photograph) the one that Twitter’s server constantly refused to accept as my new header, and opened it in Photoshop. This header image is 1200px x 615px and 72px resolution. I then saved my PNG image as a “JPEG High” for the Web, which made it only 108 KB in size …and, this did NOT distort my image in any way visible to the human eye.
Having had my Twitter account open already from several failed attempts again today, I once again uploaded my image (this time the jpg version) and clicked the “Save Changes” …VOILA!… my new header image was accepted.
Sure hope this post helps SOMEONE… ANYONE, from the many frustrating HOURS over the past two months that I have wasted on something that SHOULD be as basic as creating and uploading a new header image in your Twitter account.
If this post helped you, please be sure to comment below.
I uploaded a correctly sized header and it does not display in IE11 but shows up in Chrome – so is this a known error?
Is this: your Twitter account Laura?
If you responded “yes”, my Firefox browser v33.1 does NOT see a header at this URL. If this IS your Twitter account; did Twitter prompt you that your header image was successfully uploaded?
Not sure why Chrome shows a header when there is none. That is ve-e-e-ery interesting… hmmmm. 🙂
Thank you! I’m new to Twitter and could not upload an image until I searched around and found your ”fix” … and it worked! ?
I’m SO glad this “fix” worked for you Fran, and Thank YOU for letting me know.
I tried all of your fixes and none of them are working 🙁 I’ve tried nearly everything and I cannot get a solution! Any suggestions?
Hi Lisa,
Can you let me know you twitter handle so I can visit you twitter account?
Mine is
What size is the image you are trying to upload to your Twitter account?
Is your image in jpg format?
In May of last year, I was able to change my header to what it is right now, using an image 1200px x 615px in jpg format. Twitter allowed me to position the image to where it is now. However, I will be changing this image in the near future as Nugget (the sweet, sweet, little Shih Tzu on the left of the photo) passed away shortly after this photo was taken, and uploaded 🙁 …and, Chloe now has a new playmate Simona whom I recently re-homed.
Sorry about your doggy 🙁
I’ve tried just about every size combination and have gotten the file size down to ~100 KB. However, I just tried a low-quality photo at 36 KB and it worked. The image is so blurry, though, that it’s not even worth having it up. My twitter is @lac38, but I’m actually trying to upload a header to the company that I work for. We are a large, global company and for obvious reasons, do not want the quality of the header to be comprised. So right now I’m at a loss of what to do!
Hi Lisa,
So, you’re
I’d like to suggest you go to: and fill in their form to see if Twitter staff can help you. Make sure to select the “Uploading a profile image” option, and be sure to offer as much quality detail as you can about the different things you’ve tried that have not worked.
This too was one of the FIRST things I tried (long before writing this post), as I was weeks trying to figure this issue out. Seems odd that Twitter STILL hasn’t resolved this. Give them about a week to respond. If you do NOT hear back from them after one week, try uploading a quality image again, making sure to use a jpg format, and you too may find your issue has been resolved.
Please, DO come back to here to let me know how you make out with this issue, won’t you?
If this suggested step does not work, then I’d like to suggest you allow me temporary access to your Twitter account and let me try uploading your image for you …but… that will need to be arranged through a private email, and NOT here, in public.
After hours of trying to figure this out at work (where I have Firefox and IE), I came home and tried uploading it on Chrome. Worked like a charm multiple times, even with an image that was over 500KB! Still bothered by the fact that I can’t upload it at work, but I’ll take what I can get. I will use this as a temporary fix and try the suggestion you gave me. Thanks for your help!!
Hi Lisa,
I’m glad to learn that your issue has been resolved, though temporarily. Do hope you’ll let me know if the suggestions worked for you or not.
Your company-owned computer may have had protection installed causing your issues.
It is always advisable to NOT use a company-owned computer for your personal use of: social media, email, banking, etc., without permission for moral reasons… and, for your own protection.