A Proven Method for Creating Quality Content – Only 4 Steps

For those of you who are convinced that you have run out of topics to provide content with for your website, here is a proven method for creating quality content in 4 easy to follow steps.

No more need of frustration on what to write about, this system will truly help you to provide unique content that others are searching for.

Step #1 – People

In order for you to find people who are asking for help:

  1. What niche do you want to enter?

    To answer this question, simply go to Amazon’s book section, go to the niche you want to enter, and make sure there are books available there.

    This way you will know if someone is actually paying for information on the niche you want to focus on. So, if they come across one of your free articles that makes them excited and want to purchase whatever you are selling to solve their problem, you could end up with a customer.

  2. What are people already buying to get the help they seek?

    In Amazon, simply check out the best-selling books in your chosen niche, find those that are solving problems, make note of the best 10 books that are based around the problem you want to solve for your website visitors, buy those books and study ALL of their content and find out how they became to be listed among the best-sellers. And then create your content from what you have learned.

  3. What can you create?

    Take a piece of paper and on the left of that paper, write down the 10 titles of the books you bought, and think of better titles. Now, put those 10 better titles that you came up with to the write of those titles. Now you have 10 pieces of content for your website!

    You could even simply use the table of contents from the books that you can view their table of contents.

Step #2 – Product

This is where you will find the type of product that will solve your visitor’s problem. The type of product that you will be providing them with could be as simple as a guide, a report, an eBook, a video tutorial, or articles on how to do something.

The secret here is to pick one type of product and stick with that for your entire website. You do NOT want to mix and try and match a variety of articles, guides, reports, eBooks, video tutorials, or whatever. Simply stick with one product.

Once you know the type of product you are going to give people, all you have to do next is find (or create) the product. For written content, you need to have at least 1500 to 2000 words, making the first 500 words the teaser.

If it is video content, then make it 3 to 5 minutes in length, making the first 20 seconds a teaser.

To understand what a teaser is, it is information provided with the intent to arouse a reader’s / viewer’s curiosity and get them to continue reading / watching your content.

If you are using WordPress to create your website, you would simply look for a plugin known as a Content Locker.

Step #3 – Process

This is where you will help people by providing a product that will solve their problem using a process. And, this is usually where people get scared off, because you think you have to be tech savvy in creating an online business.

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That used to be but with the training I will be sharing with you here, that is no longer the case. This process is now easier than ever before.

Step #4 – Profit

This is where you are going to get paid to help people who are looking for helping. The best place to do this is using a platform called Quora, which currently gets over 5 hundred million people per month coming on to their website. All of which are posting questions, asking for help on just about every topic that you can imagine.

Quora's login web page

Some say it is best to not waste your time on social media any more but to use Quora instead.

Having purchased many of these “make money online” gimmicks, I can tell you personally that I have been and continue to review the types of courses these marketing gurus come out with because I want to see if these new things that people are claiming are better than others, really are. And, trust me when I tell you that nothing is better than the training platform that I can share here with you.

So, whenever you find some others trying to sell you a shiny new course, save your time and money and take a peek at the training course shared here. It’s free to join, and I am showing you how to do it right now. And, you have NOT had to pay so much as a penny to get this information… and it just works!

You can start right now absolutely free and to top THAT off, the first level of 10 lessons are free to access for 7 whole days. This way, you will gain an insight as to the quality of training that is provided to all members.

Did YOU know that

Writing a quality article helps more than running ads on Facebook newsfeeds.

After writing and published an article that is jam-packed with fresh, quality content, simply go over to Quora, and type in your keywords into their search bar and hit your keyboard Enter key.

Now, from the left-hand sidebar, simply click on Questions to see all of the questions that people have asked about using the keywords you have just searched.

Then, be sure to click on “All Time” so that you will see every question that has ever been posted on Quora, about your search phrase.

screen print showing 3 clicks you need to make in finding the information

Then simply click on any one of these questions… like the second one shown in the screen print above: “How do I make money online?”

It doesn’t get any easier than this.

These people are out there asking questions on things you can really give helpful answers to that then serve to build up your reputation with them to where they are going to want more, which is to eventually make them want to visit your website.

Providing detailed answers to the questions posted on Quora, you could even provide a link to one of your posts where they could learn in detail whatever it is that they are asking you about. So, check out some of the great answers that others are writing so that you get a better sense of what to say BEFORE you actually provide a link to your post.

Be sure to offer more assistance if you can by simply stating something like: “If you would like a much more detailed answer that is specific to YOUR question, let me know and I will be happy to help you.” Especially when someone’s question was this vague… that way this person will not only click on your link but they are going to send you a message probably giving you some more information where you can actually be able to help them.

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Check just below the question that was published on Quora, and you will see that there are 2.7K people following this question.

screen print showing number of Followers on Quora question that was asked

This means then when answering this question, 2.7k people who also may want to know how to make money online, are going to get a notification from Quora as a push notification on their browser, to let all of them know that there is a new answer to the question they are following, on how to make money online.

This is the most untapped source of hyper-targeted traffic that I have ever seen in many years now.

When even half of those followers check out your answer, and if your answer is good enough, they are going to click on your link, and they are going to be messaging you. This is how easily you can get targeted traffic to your website.

This gets even better…

Sometimes (depending on the type of question asked) Google will even provide the Quora questions answered in the Google search results, as number one of their organic listings. When this happens, your answers will be seen by thousands of more people.

This is a PROVEN method of receiving targeted traffic that brings many marketers thousands of dollars in earnings every day.

5 Marketing Strategies Attract Customers by Dominating Social Media

First, you need to ask yourself 5 questions… and they are as follows.

  1. What are the questions that are being asked by my potential client’s before they make a decision to buy my product or service? In other words, buyer intent types of questions.

    Example Questions (for my niche) Might Be:
    a.) What will it cost me to have someone create my website for me?
    b.) Do I need to provide all of the pictures or do they provide them?
    c.) Who looks after the hosting?
    d.) What all do I need to know to have someone create my website for me?

  2. What problems or frustrations are my potential client’s dealing with that my product or service can solve for them?

    Example Problems Might Be:
    a.) I’ve run out of leads and I don’t have potential clients to talk to.
    b.) My Facebook ads keep getting shut down.
    c.) Nothing seems to be working.

    NEVER talk about your product or service. Instead, talk about your prospects problem and how YOU can solve it.

    A Good Example Might Be: Do you struggle with acne? Here’s 3 things that you can do to get rid of your acne quickly.


    Here’s my skin cream and it is amazing, and here’s all that it contains, it’s organic… etc.

    MORAL: You need to always prove to your potential clients that you care about them first and foremost.

  3. Has anyone that you know of ever suffered something terrible happening because they did NOT have your product or service?

    People on social media respond well to stories.

    So, if you know of anyone who has experienced a terrible side effect from using your competition’s product simply because they used the wrong dosage… or if someone has experienced a terrible thing happening to them because they use your competitor’s service due to a lack of proper instructions…

    Example: If you are an insurance agent, and let’s say that you know of a story were someone had a car accident while their son was driving the family sedan, and they discovered after the fact that he was not covered under the parent’s vehicle insurance. That their original agent did not explain their policy properly, nor did they cover them the way they thought they were.

    That’s the type of story that gets attention on social media, and it could serve to make those who read such a story doubt their own insurance coverage. Then, your call to action for this story might be; “if you want me to show you 3 things in your policy contact me now and get my free guide.”

  4. Has anyone ever received great results from using your product or service?

    Here is where you can find a good story or testimonies where someone has received incredible results with your product or service.

    Example: Let’s say you are a website designer. Then, you could talk about how their website went from being nonexistent in internet searches before you came along and handled their website needs that brought their site to be ranked on Google page one for their business.

    MORAL: Your potential clients do not want to hear about your product or service. They want to know what you can do for them.

  5. What tips could you provide to anyone using your product or service?

    Let’s say you feel that your product or service doesn’t solve a problem for your potential clients. Then here is where you can provide helpful tips on how to save, use, or prevent something from happening by using your product or service.

    Example for a clothing store: Here are 3 things women should never dress like on a first date.

    Example for cooking business: What foods you should NEVER put together EVER.
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When writing content keep these 5 questions in mind because you only want to be sure to attract those people who are most apt to buy your product or service from you.


This last bit of information on dominating social media came from information shared by Tyson Zahner. You can visit Tyson’s website at successwithtyson.com to learn more.

Tyson’s course is only for those of you who are serious about increasing your targeted leads, and he even provides buyers with a 30-day guarantee. You will soon see for yourself that his course is well worth the low cost (yes, US funds).

For those of you with a registered business, Tyson’s course: 3 Simple Steps to Attract 100 High Quality Leads in 30 Days, is a tax write off… making it an investment that you will be glad you made.

As further proof to you of my sincerity in presenting you this information here, please understand this: Tyson’s offer discussed here is NOT an affiliate link. Meaning that I do NOT in any way receive payment should you visit Tyson’s website and eventually sign up for his training. The reason I am providing you with this information is simply because I believe in his training… it works.



Website Designer for Parr's Publishing. As a full certified Internet Specialist, I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with a fully managed, custom designed website as well as basic Search Engine Optimization.

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