6 Very Useful Questions Your Website Needs to Answer within Seconds of a Visitor Arriving

What promises does your website make to your visitors? Here are six very useful questions your website needs to answer within seconds of a visitor arriving at your website. The answer below EACH question are given as examples and have been provided for your ease of understanding.

1) What pressing problem does your product/service solve?

EXAMPLE: eParrs.com provides customers with a customized website for a reasonable price by offering 3 different package prices.

2) What pain does your product/service remove?

EXAMPLE: eParrs.com makes it easy to have someone available to do any necessary changes on their website, as well as maintain the security of the site, WITHOUT the cost of an employee on staff. Also, customers now pay for services rendered using an eTransfer, no more need of certifying a cheque.

3) What value does your product/service add?

EXAMPLE: eParrs.com creates top-notch, professionally designed (and you can have us fully maintain your website too), presenting customer’s businesses with a very “polished” online presence.

4) What pleasure does your product/service create?

EXAMPLE: eParrs.com makes owning a professionally designed website hassle-free and trouble-free for customers.

5) What freedom does your product/service permit?

EXAMPLE: eParrs.com receives emailed instructions from our customers. The instructions are followed within 12 hours of being issued. The customer is then emailed that the work has been completed and that I am awaiting their inspection. Customers have the freedom to know the work WILL be done once they’ve issued their instructions.

6) What connection does your product/service allow?

EXAMPLE: Professionally designed and maintained websites allow our customers to connect with new clients because their sites inspire trust.

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Customers of eParrs.com rely heavily on our services, and can connect with us using email or a telephone at anytime. Also available on the following social media: Facebook, X, YouTube, and Pinterest.

Does your website answer these 6, very useful questions for your visitors? If not then please feel free to contact me a.s.a.p!

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Website Designer for Parr's Publishing. As a full certified Internet Specialist, I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with a fully managed, custom designed website as well as basic Search Engine Optimization.

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