How to Use Your Personal Facebook Profile as Advertising Without Annoying Friends

Tired of people creeping your Facebook profile and leaving you all kinds of weird messages?

Fret no more, I’m here to show you how to use your personal Facebook profile as free advertising for your business.

No sense wasting that space, right?

And, yes you CAN advertise on your personal Facebook account WITHOUT annoying your Facebook friends.

Look… how many times have you received messages from either estranged people or maybe even total strangers that came to your Facebook profile and left you a message, some maybe even with strange requests.

Well then, that alone should prove to you that people really do creep other people’s Facebook accounts. Not everyone will leave messages. So, why waste that valuable online “real estate” that you could use to advertise your business.

It doesn’t matter WHAT your business is. All you have to do is BE creative in order to be able to take advantage of what I have to share with you here.

Okay… now, if you are ready to being.

The following instructions (I’ve placed in a block) no longer work anymore because, sadly, Facebook grew tired of so many of us using this spot to our advantage, and have decreased the size of the following instructions for creating images, to now be displayed.

Take a peek below, so that you understand what I am referring to, and at the end of those instructions, I provide you with an alternative for 2023, or you can click here to go to the alternative.

Go to Canva and create a FREE account.

screen print of Canva's website

Once you have completed that step, sign into your new Canva account and be ready to work.

Using a laptop or desktop computer… on the top, right corner of your Canva account, you should be able to see a “Create a design” purple button, click on it, then click on Custom size as shown in the screen print below.

screen print showing create a design button and custom size

Then enter the following: 2050 (Width) 780 (Height), then click on the “Create new design” purple button.

screen print showing how to select image size

Okay… now you have your blank canvas, ready to create.

On the left-hand side of your blank canvas, you will see some suggested images that you can use. I will show you the image that I chose to use. Please DO choose an appropriate image for your advertisement.

screen print of Canva blank canvas

Below is the one I chose to use. I simply deleted the areas that I did not want to keep.

animated image showing changes you can make in Canva

And, now I am left with the following canvas.

image showing all of the unnecessary elements deleted

Now for my next few steps. Using the textbox with FEBRUARY 4. 2019, I dragged it to the top center of my canvas, highlighted the text and began typing what I wanted to state. See the video below.

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Video Showing Me Creating My Facebook Cover Image

Okay… now that you have your new Facebook cover image created, you can go back to the Home page of your Canva account, and create yet another image.

This one will be for you to use as your Facebook profile Featured image.

This time you will click on the “Create a design” purple button, select Custom size if that is not open already, and type in 180 (Width) and 128 (Height) then click on the “Create new design” purple button.

You need a new background image to use. The one I choose wouldn’t necessarily meet your needs so do not be afraid to experiment to see what works best for your offer.

In Canva, I went to Photos to find the one I used here.

screen print showing creating Featured image

Now we are ready to begin creating a Featured image. The following video will show you what I did in creating mine. Again, you will need to tailor your Featured image for your specific offer.

Video Showing Me Creating My Facebook Featured Image

Okay… so using your browser’s screen print option, you need to have your image sized at 393 x 360 or close to that size, in order for your Featured image to be framed perfectly on your profile page.

So… now after much fiddling around to get this image created, I have my Featured image ready to use.

completed Featured Image for Facebook profile

And now for the offer… you know, the one that you will be sending your Facebook creepers to when they click on either image, so that you gain a new lead for your business.

If you already have a website and you know exactly where you want to send those leads to when they click on your Facebook lead attraction, then you will simply use the URL to that page and you can ignore the following suggestions on creating a landing page.

For those of you who have an online business and you need to collect an email list, then creating a simple landing page is vital to your business. If you already own a landing page builder then you can simply create your landing page for your offer now… or use one that you have already created.

If you don’t have a landing page builder… don’t worry, the video below shows you a very inexpensive and an amazingly simple plugin that I recommend for you to use in creating your landing page offer.

My Favourite Landing Page Builder

Assuming your landing page has now been completed, let’s now go to my personal Facebook profile and continue with the instructions there.

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So, once you are on your Facebook profile page, simply click on the Edit Cover Photo button, then select the Upload Photo option from the drop-down list and find that Facebook cover image you downloaded from your Canva account and then click Open (on Windows) and VOILA!

screen print showing how to upload Facebook cover image

Your Facebook lead attraction ad is now loaded.

Click on your new Facebook cover image. At the top of the right-hand side bar, click on the Edit button and add the URL of the page you wish your leads to go to.

WARNING: NEVER, EVER… EVER… EVER use an affiliate link or your Facebook account or monitors from Facebook will shut down Facebook account.

This is for HONEST business owners, not for those looking for a way to scam others. So, keep your offers honest, please.

Once you’ve added your information, click on the Done Editing button and that step has been completed.

screen print showing how to add text and link to FB Cover Photo
NOTE: This option is NO LONGER AVAILABLE in Facebook as of May 2021

Now, whenever someone clicks on your Facebook Cover Photo, your offer will be presented to them.

You could do the same thing with your profile image, simply by clicking on your profile image, then View Profile Picture…

screen print showing how to change Facebook profile image

Then… going to the top of right-hand sidebar, clicking on the Edit button and placing a link to your offer there too. This way, whether those creeping on your profile image or cover photo can click and discover your offer.

Now… lets get to the Featured image part.

screen print showing how to find Featured Image on your Facebook profile

Then click on the Upload Photo button…

screen print showing how to Upload Photo to your Facebook profile

And select the image you created and then click on the Save button (in Windows)…

screen print showing how to Save your Featured Facebook image

…and VOILA…

screen print showing my FB Featured image uploaded
NOTE: Facebook no longer displays your Featured image like this but rather a tiny piece of your image.

Though… you are not finished yet.

So now you need to click on your new Featured image, and at the top of the right-hand sidebar, you need to add the SAME offer as you have added to your Facebook Cover Photo and your Facebook Profile Picture.

animated image showing how to add a link to your Facebook Featured image
NOTE: This option is NO LONGER AVAILABLE in Facebook as of May 2021.

Test ALL 3 of your newly added links to make sure they are ALL working as they should by sending your browser to where you want your Facebook leads to end up at.

Now… back at your Facebook profile… right below your name, I’m certain you’ve noticed that Edit link offered, correct?

screen print showing how you can add a link below your Facebook cover image

Click on that link and use that space for a great quote and you could even offer yet another link, but do keep it simple.

What I did was to offer a link to my personal blog with contains an offer to the same free guide in the sidebar. Now all of my bases are covered should someone come checking out my profile.

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With your Facebook profile now all setup to offer leads that are curious enough to click and discover your amazing offer, you are using your Facebook profile to your advantage.

Looking forward to reading your comment below should you have anything to ask me regarding how to use your personal Facebook profile as advertising. I make it a habit to respond in a timely manner.

If you enjoyed this helpful guide, I do hope that you will be sure to share it with all of your friends. This helps me discover what type of information my viewers are looking for.


It seems that Facebook has made some major changes with the Featured Image. Now they’ve made it so that more than one tinier image can be displayed. The following graphic will show you the new size that I found that NOW works best. PLUS… there is NO way of sharing a URL any longer.

screen print showing my NEW FB Featured image uploaded

Have deleted my Featured Image for now, until I figure out how to resolve this issue. Promise to come back and update once I find a resolve.


Well, it seems the change that has been made to Facebook’s Featured Image may be staying the same size for awhile.

I ended up deleting the last image I had uploaded, and I created a new one. The size of the new Featured Image, I ended up using was 300 px X 200 px because the tinier size blurred the entire image. Not sure why.

Feel free to check out my personal Facebook profile to see the changes I’ve made recently.

Even spruced up my cover image a bit more, so if you DO actually take a peek at my profile and view the Featured Image too, let me know what you think of them in a comment below.


I told you that I would share great news with you regarding these changes once I discovered a great workaround. With THIS workaround you too can earn money sharing this idea! Well, here it is… learn how to promote any product, service or opportunity you desire organically… no paid ads required (my affiliate link).

Also… check the video ideas out!

How To Advertise On Facebook For FREE 2023!


Website Designer for Parr's Publishing. As a full certified Internet Specialist, I help business owners and organizations increase their profits by providing them with a fully managed, custom designed website as well as basic Search Engine Optimization.

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