New name, same game!

Recently received a letter in my mailbox regarding a website domain name (that HAS already been updated) needing to be updated, according to IDNS Canada.
Oh, and this “new business” (IDNS Canada) now also has a new domain name for their “business website” instead of the old
Please note the exact same letter style as those this scam artist mailed out in years past. The only change is in the logo. I have purposely labeled the new images, “new name, same scam”, so consider this our official SCAM ALERT for 2018!

Several local business website owners are STILL receiving letters from the Domain Registry of Canada (, asking them to renew their domain names, yet they never dealt with them before. Many have lost money.
Although their document may look official (on the viewer’s right), it is NOT. We urge you to ignore all correspondence from this company.
Please, do not get hoodwinked by sending money to the Domain Registry of Canada. I repeat; THIS IS A SCAM designed to convince you to switch your domain registrar.
Those who pay this company ANY money generally lose their money and, in most cases, their domain name as well.
A great reason to hire us to manage your website!
We will always offer you help whenever you receive a fraudulent email or regular mail alert that you need to updated your website domain registration. To date, I’m still receiving emails claiming I need to update domain registrations for domains that have been deserted by me or my customers long ago!
You can learn more about the DROC scam from the articles posted at the following links:
The Better Business Bureau have now deleted their once issued “seal of approval” for this company. There are now several of their web pages that are displaying a 404 error.

Their former rating didn’t say much for the value of a BBB “seal of approval”. And in lieu of their former post that has now gone missing, I can only show you the tiny tidbit of evidence that Googles search result still displays. NOTE: how the many complains did NOT effect their review… which was the initial reason for my inclusion of their review here.

Do an internet search for “DROC scam” and you will find even more articles posted on the web regarding this scam.

Now you will need to do an internet search for “IDNS scam” (without the quotation marks, of course) but you will discover that this is the same game, just a new name and website!

Please, don’t YOU be their next victim!